Welcome to SenjienZ Studio

Greetings from the land of the Dreamtime. Love, peace and respect to earth's custodians, past, present and future.


Featured Release

Mother Africa Cover

Recent Releases

Emergence Cover
Our Side Within Cover


Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive or experience subjectively, but what does that really mean? Our beliefs colour our world view, where we are born defines what we consider freedom, justice and morality is imposed by an often unjust and immoral society so is what we feel subjective perceptuality? We all feel differently about reality and our experiences shape our perceptions and what is shared through the music of SenjienZ is simply just that, perceptions.

Music Stores and Streaming Services

Music by SenjienZ is available on 7Digital, 8Tracks, Addictech, Amazon Music, Anghami, Apple Music, Beatport, Claro Music, Deezer, Digital Tunes, eMusic, Fanburst, Google Play, iHeartRadio, iTunes, Juno Download, KK Box, Medianet, Napster, Pandora, Saavn, Slacker, Soundcloud, Spotify, Tidal, TrackItDown, Traxsource, Yandex, YouTube, ZVOOQ and many others so check out your favourite streaming service or music store.